Policy plan

The board has formulated the following policy plan for the next five years;

In this policy plan, the Foundation presents its policy proposals for the period 2024 - 2029. The policy to be implemented by the Foundation during this period is often dependent on developments in science/fiscal regulations, etc. and the budget available to it. Should these factors change, then the Foundation will have to anticipate and adjust its policies accordingly. In this way the policy remains dynamic.

In setting out the policy to be implemented by the Foundation, the Foundation focuses on its statutory objective.

The Foundation was founded on 30 August 2016. Since that date it has been committed to the pursuit of its statutory objectives.


The activities of the Foundation are aimed at achieving its goal.

Specific activities that the Foundation wishes to further expand or develop in the coming period are:

  • the collection of funds and grants, the acceptance of donations and the use of these funds for the objectives of the Foundation;

  • making available, amongst other things, knowledge, expertise, contacts, assets, material and intangible goods;

The Foundation will abstain from other than the aforementioned activities. Furthermore, its activities are not aimed at making profits for its own benefit.


The Foundation consists of its board and is completely dependent on their dedication and donations.

In addition to donations made by the directors, the Foundation expects to receive donations from institutions, companies and other entities. The Foundation will investigate the degree to which it can make use of opportunities for claiming any available subsidies in support of its activities.

Raising funds is done by the board in a small scale and direct way, by addressing personal and business contacts etc.

In addition to donations from permanent donors, the Foundation hopes to attract more structural and/or incidental donations in the future.

The Foundation has applied for the status of ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) and will try to maintain that status in the future. Should it retains this status, it may then continue to receive donations exempt of gift tax. Under certain conditions it is also possible for donors to make tax-based donations. If the Foundation finds a company or natural person prepared to make a significant donation to the Foundation, the Foundation is then prepared to seek fiscal advice to give the relevant donor's donation a tax-based character.

Management of funds

The annual capital raised shall be spent as soon as possible (targeted goals and minimum delay). Indirect costs are minimal and are merely cover expenditure such as bank administration costs and transfer fees, registration with the Chamber of Commerce. All travel and other expenses are always to be paid at own cost by the board.

All income and expenses are in principle justified in the period to which they relate. All proceeds (donations) are recognized as income in the financial year in which they are received by the Foundation.

Interest income accrued will be accounted to the year under review, received and/or accrued interest due from outstanding bank balances.

Spending of funds

The Foundation's capital consists of donations, bequests obtained by testamentary disposition as well as other benefits. The Foundation's funds are to be invested in a variety of to be defined goals that are certified with ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) and causes that also spend their money supporting the interests of society.

Insofar as the Foundation does not use its assets directly to pursue its objective, it will invest these in defensive funds.

Financial accountability

Below you will find the NL Foundation’s Annual Reports of the last three years.


With this policy plan, the board of the Foundation seeks to clarify the objectives of the Foundation over the next five years and how it intends to achieve these objectives. Given the current business situation and contacts it can be expected that the current and any new objectives are achievable and that the Board of the Foundation will actively further fulfil and specify its purpose and that it rightfully deserves the ANBI status.