
Directors’ pay

None of the directors are entitled to claim any form of compensation or payment for the time spent working for the Foundation. Also, all costs incurred are not recoverable and are considered to be part of the support of the Foundation's objectives. Also for the years covered by the policy plan, it is forbidden for any of the directors to request any compensation from the Foundation for their work or costs. All funds donated to the Foundation will be used to meet the goals of the Foundation. The Foundation will only pay for its own costs regarding the statutory compulsory contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, other compliance charges and any taxation on donations received.


Influence on policy of individual directors

Although the chairman and other board members have a joint working relationship and have been working together for many years, there is no controlling influence exercised by them on the policy to be pursued. None of the members of the board belong to the circle of relatives or relations, as defined by Law and are deemed to be independent and act exclusively in the interests of the Foundation. All board members have equal voice in all board meetings.

It cannot be denied that other board members such as initiators and advocates of the Foundation play a large part in generating revenue, this however does not affect the own responsibility of the active members of the board, a responsibility that is and always will be respected by the chairman and treasurer.